Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Windows in Nambucca & Surrounds

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The Modern Alternative to Timber

Want to seamlessly integrate the inside and outside of your home? Need to drown out a noisy main road or annoying neighbours? Choosing the right type of window can dramatically impact your home’s atmosphere. It can be the difference between feeling detached from the outside or at one with nature; the difference between peace and quiet or sleepless nights. At Nambucca Glass we’ll help you choose the best window type for each of your rooms, so you can get the most out of your time spent at home.

Our aluminium windows can be paired with all kinds of glass and mechanisms to suit your space. Compared to alternatives, they’re light weight, relatively cheap and won’t rust! They’re suitable for both commercial and residential properties; including multistorey homes and units. We can also manufacture
safety doors and screens in-house to up your property’s security.

To find out more, call us on
(02) 6568 7500.

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Double Hung Windows

If you’re looking for a cost-effective, traditional style window, double hung is the way to go! They’re easy to open and close; and you can choose to have a cam-operated latch.
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Bi-Fold Windows

Bi-fold windows allow for each panel to be folded away, leaving you with an unobstructed view of outside. Bi fold windows fully maximise openings, setting them apart from other windows.
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Casement Windows

Casement windows are hinged either on the left or right side and swing outwards like hinged doors. They may feature one or more sashes within a single window frame.

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